I am SO sore! My entire body aches because I played ultimate frisbee for 2 straight hours yesterday, but it was so much fun! I've really missed being able to play ultimate. It's not quite as popular in Durban yet (it's bigger in Cape Town and Jo-Burg) but they're working on creating a club team here. The people I played with thought it was really crazy that I played on a team at my school. They were really impressed. It was fun, and I got to meet a lot of new people! One of the guys there looked freakishly like my cousin David, but only when he had his sunglasses on. It was pretty bizarre.
The rest of the weekend I just relaxed and got rid of some stress from all the ISP craziness. I just needed some time off from it. On Saturday there was a big rugby game between South Africa and Wales. A bunch of teams from the Southern Hemisphere are doing a tour of Europe right now. A bunch of people came to the hostel to watch the game. It was the first time I had really actually watched a rugby game, so I didn't really know what was going on. It's a lot different than I thought it would be. I've decided that it's a soccer/american football hybrid. After the SA/Wales game (South Africa won!), New Zealand played Scotland. There was a girl from New Zealand staying at the hostel and she got everyone to gather around the TV to watch this crazy dance that the New Zealand team does. It involved a lot of stomping, chanting, and general intimidation. And then at the very end, all the players got bug-eyed and stuck their tongues out really far (Gene Simmons-esque). Apparently they adapted it from an aboriginal dance or something. It was pretty crazy. I also went out dancing with a bunch of people from the hostel, and we had a really great time! Several of the people who work there even came with us! I love how awesome everyone is at the hostel. Everyone is so friendly all the time and it's so much fun meeting people from everywhere. Sala kahle!
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