Yaaaay! I am so excited for America! I was telling people at the hostel last night that if Barack didn't win, I would seriously consider not coming back to America. But I woke up this morning and was very pleasantly surprised at the results! Our program was invited to the U.S. Consulate in downtown Durban for a results viewing party. It was a lot of fun! We got to watch Obama's acceptance speech, and meet other cool people. I even won a book for my knowledge of elections and voting in the U.S. They also had these really funny cardboard cutouts of both Obama and McCain. We asked the consulate if we could take the Obama one, but they said they needed it and that they would order us one from the embassy in Jo-Burg. I also got interviewed by a woman from a local newspaper- a lot of press people interviewed us. Hopefully I can find a copy of the paper this afternoon. It would be a fun momento!
Anyway, the rest of my day has consisted on writing a research paper due Friday and revising my proposal. Over half of the proposals got rejected on the first try, including mine. The board didn't approve of me going to Cape Town, so now I'm just going to stay in Durban and (hopefully) visit Cape Town with a couple of free days I have at the end of the program. We'll see what happens. So yeah, very busy. And my computer still isn't fixed, which is really frustrating. The computer guy was supposed to come this morning to fix it, but the part didn't come in. He's supposed to come in some time this afternoon now, but hasn't called yet. I really hope he gets here before 3, though. Otherwise I'll have to miss the shuttle back to my hostel. It's kinda annoying. Anyway, I better get back to work. Sala kahle!
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