Thursday, August 21, 2008

Really Cool South African Athlete:

So tonight while I was watching the Olympics, they took a break from all the action and showed this interview with this girl from South Africa named Natalie du Toit. Her story was seriously so amazing! She dreamed of being an Olympic swimmer ever since she was a little girl, but she got side-swiped by a car when she was riding a scooter several years ago and they had to amputate one of her legs from the knee down. But she somehow learned how to swim well with just her one leg, and since the open-water swimming events really require more upper-body strength, she was able to represent South Africa in the event in Beijing! Unfortunately, she didn't win, but I still think that's so cool how she overcame such a huge obstacle and achieved her dream! She's also going to compete in the Paralympics later on. But really, such a neat story.

Anyway, I'm still trying to finish up my books that I'm supposed to read before I get to South Africa...hopefully I'll finish them in time! I'll also have to go make a trip down to the county clerk (always a fun time) to apply for an absentee ballot as there is no way I am missing out on this very important election. I thoroughly enjoy voting! I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little sad that I won't get to watch all of the election results. My freshman year when the Democrats took over majority in both the House and Senate, I popped a big bag of popcorn and watched the news as it all unfolded. Yeah, I'm basically a huge dork when it comes to the electoral process, but it is pretty cool to watch. Well, I'm getting pretty sleepy, so I think I'll head off to bed now. South Africa is so soon!

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