Saturday, August 9, 2008

Home Again!

Well I have finally returned from the Heavenly World, and I really miss it already! I can't believe how incredibly fast it all went! But it's good to be back because I got to watch the opening ceremonies for the Olympics, which were pretty cool, and now I have lots of time to prepare for my departure to South Africa for the semester! For some reason (probably because I haven't actually looked at a real calendar in several weeks) I thought that I only had two weeks after I got home until I left, but I actually have three! Which is totally fine with me, because I definitely have a lot to do! Plus it gives me more time to finish reading all of my books that I'm supposed to read before I get there. I've only finished one so far (Nelson Mandela's autobiography), and I just started reading a book about the history of South Africa, which starts out talking about Hunter-Gatherers, so it's pretty comprehensive. I also need to figure out exactly what to take, and I need to find some fun gifts for my homestay families. They said to get shirts from my school (which I don't really know if that's possible because I most likely will not be going to Richmond before I leave) or things that represent where I live, etc. Too bad I probably can't bring them some Ale-8 one. I'm pretty sure it would probably explode on the plane. Anyway, I think I'm just gonna take today easy and relax from all the running around and craziness at camp.

Less than 3 weeks!

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