Friday, July 18, 2008

I LOVE camp!

Seriously, I do. Camp rocks my socks off! It is soooooo much fun. I have a really great group of girls and things are going swimmingly. Since my last update, we've done a lot: forth of July fireworks, two dances (which sadly, I missed because of my days off), trips to boys camps, and overnights at group campsites in the Pisgah forest! Tonight we're doing one of my favorite evening programs...Going to Sliding Rock! It's like, this awesome natural water slide in Pisgah that is so much fun (even though the water is freezing!)! Then afterwards we go to Dolly's Dairy Bar, which has some of the most delicious ice cream I've ever eaten in my life. They even have special camp ice cream flavors, but my camp's ice cream was the original camp flavor. Pretty cool, huh?

A few days ago was "Illahee Idol," which is like Airband for counselors. I worked with my co-counselor and double cabin counselor to perform a Hannah Montana song. We stole the dance moves from this really funny youtube video. If I can figure out a way to put our version of the video up I can, but if you might be able to watch it if you're friends with me on facebook.

Anyway, this afternoon, I'm hoping I might be able to be one of the supervising counselors on a Geocascing trip. It sounds so cool! Basically, you go to their website and type in your location. Then they'll give you the coordinates for various places where they have Geocaching boxes. You can type it into a GPS if you have one and then go search for the boxes. Some boxes have little prizes and things that you can take if you find them, and some just have a little log to record that you've been there. Apparently there are some really cool things in some of them. However if you do take something from the box, you have to put something else of yours back in. Some girls that went earlier brought friendship bracelets and stuff to put in if they found something they wanted. Hopefully I'll get to go. It sounds pretty cool. But yeah, they have this stuff all over the world! How awesome is that? Anyway, I better go because I have to go teach riflery soon. Hopefully I'll remember to update sooner next time. Bye!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wooooooo camp!

So I've been at camp for several days now, and things are going pretty well. I think I have a great cabin. They're all so full of energy and are super-excited to be here. We won the "Cute as a Button" award at the County Fair on the second night of camp. They dressed up with their "buddy cabin," which is a cabin from the older group of girls, as Holy Cow. They also won the best overall award with their double cabin (the cabin connected to us) for Airband. Airband is basically a lip sync for all of the campers. They did their performance to "Ghostbusters" and it was quite wonderful. They had an amazing performance, if I do say so myself. My July cabin has gotten an award at airband every year since 2001, and this is the 2nd time we've gotten Best Overall! I'm pretty proud. I've Tonight we had a magic show for evening program, and one of my campers got sawed in half. It was pretty cool. So yeah, things are going great, and my day off is this Saturday. I don't really know when I can update next, but hopefully it will be relatively soon. Bye!